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Operation Round Up

Round Up Logo Picture of pennies

Operation Round Up
Neighbors Helping Neighbors

For approximately $6 a year,
you can make a difference in the lives of family and friends.

The Chippewa Valley Community Fund receives its money from you, our members, in a project we call Operation Round Up ® . It works by rounding up our electrical bills to the next highest dollar. An example: If your electric bill were $49.50 it would be rounded up to the next highest dollar or in this example $50.00. The $0.50 would go to the community fund. That would occur on each bill received throughout the year. (Avg. donation per year = $6.00)

Operation Round Up Supports

  • Patients & Families with Serious Illnesses
  • Death in the Family
  • Young Widows and Children
  • After School Programs
  • Travel & Expenses for Families
  • Families Affected by Childhood Cancer
  • Local Food Pantries

In 1999, the members of our electric cooperative created the Chippewa Valley Community Fund. Its purpose is to help members of the cooperative and Chippewa Valley residents when they are in financial need due to illness, disaster, or circumstances beyond their control. The fund can also help other organizations meet their financial goals.

The Chippewa Valley Community Fund Board of Directors is all volunteers who do not receive any pay. The term of office for the seven positions is 3 years. If you would consider being a board member and have interest in volunteer work, please contact the CVEC office.

Please take time to consider how such a small amount of money can make such a great impact on someone who needs your help. Thank you for considering this worthy fund. It is another way that you, the Members of Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative, are helping our community.

Our mission is to be responsible stewards of the generosity of Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative members and to distribute the funds in such a manner as to improve, enhance, foster and benefit the citizen’s lives in the Chippewa Valley Community.

Please sign-up to help your neighbors in need. You can enroll by completing the form and returning it to the CVEC office or by logging in to your SmartHub account to select Enroll in the Billing & Payments option menu.

Thank you!
Participate in Operation Round Up
Operation Round Up Sign-up Form