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Central Air Conditioning Control

Cycled Central Air Conditioning

Dual Fuel Accounts

Members that are participating in Chippewa Valley's Dual Fuel program can have their central air conditioner controlled and receive a reduced rate, (Rate H), for the electricity the air conditioner uses.

Central Air Conditioning Only *

Chippewa Valley Electric offers an incentive for Air Conditioning only loads. Members are eligible for a $6.00 per month credit during the months of June, July, and August. To take advantage of this program a completed Interruptible Service - Air Conditioner agreement must be completed. A load management receiver is then installed on the air conditioner compressor by CVEC. Central air conditioning has a special control strategy that cycles only the compressor, rather than shutting down the entire system for extended periods. When we need to control central air conditioning systems, the compressor is cycled in 15-minute increments during the control period. The blower is not interrupted, as there is generally enough residual cold in the ductwork for the control to go unnoticed.

Installations must be completed by the 20th of the month to receive credit for that month.

* Air conditioner cannot be connected to a dual fuel meter.

Air Conditioner Control Sign-up Form

A/C Printable Sign-up Form