Electric Thermal Storage (ETS)
Electric Thermal Storage, or ETS, is the technology of storing low cost electricity in the form of heat for use in heating 24 hours a day. The heat is stored within high-density ceramic bricks. ETS equipment stores heat during off-peak hours. Off-peak hours are those times during the day or night when a power company can supply electricity most economically. During control periods the unit releases the stored heat which heats the building.
Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) is a clean, safe, comfortable, and reliable method of heating. This heating choice is growing in popularity because it is 100 percent efficient and provides warm, cozy heat and significant savings.
ETS is Perfect for Just About Any Application Including:
- Woodstove Replacement
- Weekend Home or Cabin
- Manufactured Homes
- Replacement or Supplement for Electric Baseboard
- Back-up or Comfort Modulation for Heat Pump Systems
- Apartments or Condominiums
- Offices
- Additions
- Natural Gas, Propane, or Fuel Oil System Replacement
- Anywhere you desire Clean, Comfortable, Safe and Reliable heat
ETS units come in a variety of sizes from Steffes, Inc.Cooperative personnel can assist in properly sizing the units for your application at 715.239.6800 / 800.300.6800.